System Requirements

Build Requirements

To compile OpenFDEM, you neeed a complier supporting C++ 17 and the following packages are required:

  • CMake (>=3.5.1)

  • OpenMP - a high-performance, freely available package for multi core acceleration

  • Gmsh - mesh generation and pre-processing, it is optional and the kernal is implemented in the source code (4.10)

  • Eigen - a scientific matrix computation, it is optional and the headers are included in source code (>=3.4.0)


To use the post-processing outputs:

  • ParaView - ParallelVisualization Application for the post-processing, optional

  • Tecplot - commerical software to plot the field result, optional

Implicit Static/Non-Linear Solvers

To use the implicit static or nonlinear solvers, at least one of the following libraries is required:

  • PETSc - portable, extensible toolkit for scientific computation

  • LAPACK - a standard software library for numerical linear algebra

OpenFDEM is flexiable and can be run on Windows or Linux-like systems. The released version is for Windows X64.